The Sri Institute of Management College conducts its programs and activities guided by overarching Vision, Mission, Goals, Values, Beliefs statements. All are revisited periodically and revised, if appropriate.
The mission of the Sri Institute of Management College is to help prepare outstanding educators, scholars, and researchers, and to advance the profession of education, as broadly defined, through research on the science and art of teaching and learning, the application of clinical processes, the effective uses of technology, and the analysis and development of leadership and educational policy.
The Sri Institute of Management College will be a world leader in the integration of
Sri Institute of Management College’s primary aim is to impart education with the skills and perspectives needed for understanding and participating responsibly and creatively in a complex world. It fosters such an education through close student-faculty collaboration, self-initiated and individualized programs of study, a strong multidisciplinary curriculum and critical inquiry at every stage of the student’s work. Since knowledge is not static, the College has a continuing commitment to the testing and evaluation of new ideas and innovative methods of teaching and learning.
The Strategic Objectives of Sri Institute of Management are to :